Every person, despite of her/his background education or sex, has the right to live a life worthy of this calling. In close partnership with the local people we put all our strength, tools and experience at work towards the betterment of our neighbor's living conditions. In this way the text in the song says, RIDS-Nepal plants "the seed of development". A seed can only be planted once the ground has been prepared (through awareness, relationship, mutual trust and love) and is fertile (through skills and education), to bring forth fruit (raising of the living conditions). Development starts in our hearts and minds and then only our hands are able, willing and ready to learn and to give our uttermost for the betterment of our neighbor's life conditions.
Song: Sunshine In Shadows
- RIDS-Nepal came into our villages and started to plant the "development seed". Whenever we work, we have to work together. If we work together, development will come like Sunshine In Shadows
- We left our homes and came here to have a relationship with you. To carry together the sufferings and joys we went to the Government to get the permission. We made a mistake decreasing our laborious habit. RIDS-Nepal became a bridge in the midst
- The sweet dream was born out of various philosophies. Still we have to do something after 2000. We will have to face the problem some time
- The food we have we can share. Let us be ready to make our children's future bright
- We have to survive loving each one another. Let the sun shine shadows and development will come