Twice a day the women cook. Once its the traditional "Dhal Bhat" (rice, lentil and vegetables), if enough food is available, and once "roti" (round, flat unleavened bread baked in the ambos of the fire. In the winter the nights are freezing cold in the mud and stone houses, down to minus 20 degrees Celsius (10 degrees Fahrenheit). Thus there is almost day and night a fire burning inside the dark houses. Smoke fills the whole house, as the traditional cooking method is on open fire, and there is no exhaust, the smoke has to find its way out of the house through all the rooms. No wonder that many women in particular, who bear the main load of cooking and heating, have respiratory chest infections, and many die young . . . . . , leaving several children behind. To minimize such cases in the long term, and to fight the enormous deforestation, RIDS-Nepal developed and built a smokeless metal stove. The first subsidized smokeless stove program was a great success, and already over 520 stoves (December 2000) have been sold at 50 percent subsidy (because each family who go the subsidy built a Pit Latrine). 450 of these stoves RIDS-Nepal could sell because of your active participation and help towards this subsidy. What a wonderful thing. The song "A Stove's Story - Good Health, Good Heat, Good Cooking" is the outcome of the last year's smokeless stove program RIDS-Nepal could run. Come with us into the next year, as we intend to continue this subsidy program.
Song: A Stove's Story - Good Health, Good Heat, Good Cooking
1) Every house should install a smokeless metal stove. The kitchen is clean and it won't be full of smoke
2) Three different types of food can be cooked at the same time. You need less firewood and thus it saves the jungle too
3) This stove has a "roti" (bread without yeast) baking slid from the top and a water heating tank. We can live long with a healthy life
4) It has an flow adjustment and a dumper for a nice flame so you don't have to use your breath to keep the fire going. You don't have to worry about asthma
5) I think I don't have to convince my wise friends. Let's install the smokeless stove in every house